Money Quest (prototype) v2.4
[[New Game]]
(set: $gold to 0)
(set: $wings to 0)
(set: $weapon to 1)
(set: $armor to 1)
(set: $ring to 1)
(set: $hp to 10)
(set: $area to "cave")
(set: $randodead to "bad things")**You have $gold gold pieces.**
**Your current HP is $hp.**
(if: $hp <= 0)[
(display: "Pass Out")
"Now what?" You think to yourself.
You're going to need a lot of money to get into Heaven!
''You could''...
1. [[Go outside and kill monsters|fight monsters]]
2. [[Check the job board for quests|job board]]
3. [[Go shopping|shopping]]
4. [[Rest at the inn to recover HP|inn]]
5. [[Go to the next area (requires 50g)|next area]]Today is the day.
Today is the day that you'll start your quest to get into Heaven.
You wake up and get prepared to leave your apartment.
You grab your equipment and [[go outside|Adventure Loop]].
(if: (either: 0, 1) is 0)[
You fight some monsters.
You lose 1 HP.
You gain 1g.
(set: $gold to $gold + 1)
(set: $hp to $hp - 1) ]
You fight some monsters.
You lose 1 HP.
You gain 2g.
(set: $gold to $gold + 2)
(set: $hp to $hp - 1) ]
You return to town.
(display: "Adventure Loop")(if: $wings > 9)[
(set:$wings to 0)
(set:$gold to $gold + 15)
You turn in the quest and collect 15g!
(if: $hp < 1)[
(display: "Pass Out")
You check the job board and find a quest to collect 10 bat wings. The reward is 15g.
You have $wings bat wings.
[[Find some bat wings|fight bats]]
[[Do something else->Adventure Loop]] You enter the local big box store and browse the selection.
[[Buy a new weapon (5g)|buy weapon]]
[[Buy a new piece of armor (10g)|buy armor]]
(if: $ring < 2)[
[[Buy a ring (100g)|buy ring]]
[[Leave->Adventure Loop]] (if: $gold > 49)[
[[Get an Uber|Elf Forest]]
You don't have enough money.
[[Go back and make some more money|Adventure Loop]]
]You come to a cave where bats are usually sleeping, and walk inside, ready to deliver a coup de gras.
However, it's harder than you expected and the bats get the best of you.
You flee from the cave.
(if: $armor < 2)[
(set: $hp to $hp - 2)
You took 2 damage.
(set: $hp to $hp - 1)
You took 1 damage.
Your HP is now $hp.
(if: (either: 0, 1) is 0)[
You retreat, finding 2 bat wings in the process.
(set: $wings to $wings + 2) ]
You retreat, finding 3 bat wings in the process.
(set: $wings to $wings + 3) ]
(display: "job board")(if: $gold > 4)[
You buy a new weapon, and return to town.
(set:$gold to $gold - 5)
(set:$weapon to $weapon + 1)
(display: "Adventure Loop")
You don't have enough to buy that.
You return to town.
(display: "Adventure Loop")
](if: $gold > 9)[
You buy new armor, and return to town.
(set:$gold to $gold - 10)
(set:$armor to $armor + 1)
(display: "Adventure Loop")
You don't have enough to buy that.
You return to town.
(display: "Adventure Loop")
](if: $gold > 99)[
You buy new ring, and return to town.
(set: $gold to $gold - 100)
(set: $ring to $ring + 1)
(display: "Adventure Loop")
You don't have enough to buy that.
You return to town.
(display: "Adventure Loop")
](set: $area to "forest")
The Uber arrives, taking you to the forest.
**You have $gold gold.**
**You have $hp HP.**
(if: $hp < 1)[
(display: "Pass Out")
You are in the forest town of the elves.
You're going to need a lot of money to get into Heaven!
''You could''...
1. [[Go outside and kill monsters|fight monsters - forest]]
2. [[Check the job board for quests|job board - forest]]
3. [[Go shopping|shopping - forest]]
4. [[Rest at the inn|inn]]
5. [[Go to the next area (requires 2,000g)|next area - forest]](if: (either: 0, 1) is 0)[
You fight some forest monsters.
You lose 1 HP.
You gain 2g.
(set: $gold to $gold + 2)
(set: $hp to $hp - 1) ]
You fight some forest monsters.
You lose 2 HP.
You gain 4g.
(set: $gold to $gold + 4)
(set: $hp to $hp - 2) ]
You return to town.
[[return->Elf Forest]](if: $hp < 1)[
(display: "Pass Out")
You check the job board and find a quest to collect 10 forest bat wings. The reward is 30g.
[[Find some bat wings|fight bats - forest]]
[[Do something else->Elf Forest]] You enter the local big box chain Elf department and browse the selection.
[[Buy a new weapon (50g)|buy weapon - forest]]
[[Buy a new piece of armor (100g)|buy armor - forest]]
(if: $ring < 3)[
[[Buy a magical ring (1000g)|buy ring - forest]]
[[Leave->Elf Forest]] You leave the forest and go to the next area...
(set: $gold = $gold - 2000)
[[Gates of Heaven]](if: $gold > 49)[
You buy a fancy new Elven weapon, and return to town.
(set:$gold to $gold - 50)
(set:$weapon to $weapon + 1)
(display: "Elf Forest")
You don't have enough to buy that.
You return to town.
(display: "Elf Forest")
](if: $gold > 99)[
You buy an intricate engraved piece of Elven armor, and return to town.
(set:$gold to $gold - 100)
(set:$armor to $armor + 1)
(display: "Elf Forest")
You don't have enough to buy that.
You return to town.
(display: "Elf Forest")
](if: $gold > 999)[
You buy new ring, and return to town.
(set: $gold to $gold - 1000)
(set: $ring to $ring + 1)
(display: "Elf Forest")
You don't have enough to buy that.
You return to town.
(display: "Elf Forest")
](set: $area to "tower")
**Gold: $gold**
**HP: $hp**
(if: $hp < 1)[
(display: "Pass Out")
You've arrived at the Gates of Heaven Tower.
There's a security guard standing beside the door.
[[Go inside|Inside Gates of Heaven]]Success! You've made it inside the tower.
Now you have to find the big boss.
[[Go to the top of the tower]]You take the elevator to the penthouse level and kick down the door to the Big Boss's room.
You can...
[[Beg for money]] (I don't know about this...)
[[Attack the Boss]] (Req. 3 weapon upgrades)
[[Run Away]] (At least you won't die...probably...)You try to appeal as politely as possible, asking the President of Heaven to spare some money so you can pay for your hospital bills.
You're thrown out of the tower before you can finish your plea and explain how everyone outside of Heaven have less than 1% of the gold in circulation.
You lose 9 HP.
(set: $hp to $hp - 9)
(display: "Gates of Heaven")(if: $weapon > 3)[
You kill the President of Heaven, taking his money and becoming the new President of Heaven.
The End...
You attack the Big Boss and are overwhelmed.
(display: "Pass Out")
]Fled! You drop 500g.
(set: $gold to $gold - 500)
[[Tuck your tail between your legs and lick your wounds->Inside Gates of Heaven]] You're in the Emergency Room being treated for the injuries you've sustained.
Your health is full now, but you have to pay the bill.
The bill for the Emergency Room procedures is 10,000g.
(set: $hp to 10)
(if: $area == "cave")[
[[Limp back to town->Adventure Loop]]
(if: $area == "forest")[
[[Make like a tree and leave the hospital->Elf Forest]]
(if: $area == "tower")[
[[Attempt to get into Heaven again->Gates of Heaven]]
]You come to a copse laden with big 'ol forest bats. You approach carefully.
However, it's harder than you expected and the bats get the best of you.
You flee the copse.
(if: $armor is 1)[
(set: $hp to $hp - 4)
You took 4 damage.
(elseif: $armor is 2)[
(set: $hp to $hp - 2)
You took 2 damage.
(set: $hp to $hp - 1)
You took 1 damage.
Your HP is now $hp.
(if: (either: 0, 1) is 0)[
You retreat, finding 2 bat wings in the process.
(set: $wings to $wings + 3) ]
You retreat, finding 3 bat wings in the process.
(set: $wings to $wings + 4) ]
(display: "job board - forest")(if: (either: 0, 1) is 0)[
(set: $randodead to "blood loss")
(set: $randodead to "severe exhaustion")
You pass out due to $randodead.
(display: "Wake up")It costs 1 gold per hour.
Do you want to rest?
(if: $gold < 10)[
You don't have enough gold.
(if: $area is "cave")[
[[No|Adventure Loop]]
(if: $area is "forest")[
[[No|Elf Forest]]
(if: $area is "tower")[
[[No|Gates of Heaven]]
](set: $hp to 10)
(set: $gold to $gold - 10)
You rest and recover your HP to full!
(if: $area is "cave")[
(display: "Adventure Loop")
(if: $area is "forest")[
(display: "Elf Forest")
(if: $area is "tower")[
(display: "Gates of Heaven")
* added inns
* changed quest menu position
* made it so that weapons and armor do something
* added boss ending
* fixed hospital functionality
* fixed inns not showing you the right menu after resting
* reduced money required to get to the tower
* fix money gained when fighting in the forest
* fix negative HP with quests
* buy ring javascript error